Jewin Services
Regular Services
Our services follow a simple format. We begin by singing a short prayer, known as an intrada. The preacher will then announce the first hymn before giving a reading. The second hymn is followed by a prayer which ends with everyone singing the Lord’s Prayer. One of the elders will then announce any news and a collection will be taken to support the work of the church. After the third hymn the preacher will deliver a sermon and after the closing hymn give a blessing.
Services led by the Members
On the first Sunday of the month we hold a special service lead the members, focusing on a particular theme. This follows a different pattern with various people taking part, and rather than a sermon there are a series of short addresses and musical items.

Special Events
Cymanfa Ganu
On the third Sunday in May and on Remembrance Sunday we hold a ‘cymanfa ganu’ - a traditional hymn singing festival. With a guest conductor and organist this is an opportunity to sing old favourites and explore more contemporary hymns.
This ancient service was traditionally held at dawn on Christmas Day, but we choose the more civilized time of 5pm on the second Sunday of January. The services features a special form of carols sung a ccapella by soloist, duets or small parties. Followed by a cheese and wine reception this has become a popular London Welsh event.
At Christmas we hold a service of lessons and carols on the second Sunday in December and a Christmas Communion Service on the afternoon of the Sunday before Christmas.